Section 2.1.1:
> Geographical coordinates can also be expressed as a list of WiFi IDs, meaning that if a device is able to sense a WiFi signal from any of the WiFi IDs in the list, LocMess will ackno…
Hello, when using your library if the app theme is set to anything other than `Theme.AppCompat` and the preference screen contains an `EditTextPreference` when highlighting text the action bar context…
Hours I'm searching for solutions.. please where is the problem ?
` android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #93: Binary XML file line #93: Error inflating class com.travijuu.numberpicker.…
A search for emojis would be nice
D3SOX updated
2 months ago
## 🤷♂️ Description
- make exercise related UI
## 📝 Primary Commits
- [x] Exercise edit layout
- [x] Exercise search layout
- [x] Exercise template load layout
- [x] Exercise save layout …
In KYC Registration Level 2, if you leave ID Type EditText empty and upload any document and click on submit button, then we must show a toast saying that ID Type cannot be empty. Ther…
- 文字数をカウントしているEditTextに絵文字等をいれると実際とは違う文字数が表示される
- 絵文字1個は1文字にカウントされる
- counterをカスタム
- 入力を監視し、utf-8で文字列長をとる
In xml:
in Code:
If you enter more than 3 lines of Text you can scroll the text within the editText. Unfort…
Hi! GJ on this amazing lib, how can I set minLines attr on it?
doesn't seem to work.