Вадим, можете пожалуйста сделать то же самое, что вы сделали, но без CoffeeScript, а на чистом JS, как, к примеру, в шаблонизаторе EJS. Я сейчас его использую, но я сравнил скорость ECT и EJS, в некот…
Hi we use the latest version of [passport-wsfed-saml2](https://github.com/auth0/passport-wsfed-saml2) 4.6.1 and we has a Security issues with the dependencies that you use and you should to update th…
A backend is very essential for a website to perform it's functionalities smoothly. So I propose to build a Express.js server , Node.js based. The html files will be converted to EJS files for dynamic…
Here in the docs it says you can two-way bind both `selectedDate` and `currentView` by using `v-model`'s attribute.
TypeError: C:\Users\13468\Documents\MyProjects\laughSite\themes\hexo-laugh\layout\layout.ejs:22
En todas las vistas usan el mismo head:
y los mismos scripts:
In VS Code 1.20.1, I'm using the Code Outline extension, which creates a visual tree of a selected HTML/CSS element's hierarchy, however, in .html files that have "JavaScript EJS" as the language mode…
Vulnerable Library - react-scripts-5.0.1.tgz
Path to dependency file: /package.json
Path to vulnerable library: /node_modules/svgo/node_modules/nth-check/package.json
Found in HEAD commit: ff43b…
When working locally, the following file structure works:
-- locale
-- header.json
-- _nav.json
-- views
-- header.ejs
-- partials
-- _nav.json
When it should be: