APIG Response/Request templates options are now missing in V1, we need to bring back this functionality. In v0.5.6 we let users define their velocity templates as strings in the `s-function.json` json…
For someone like me, developing linear algebra in C++ is very difficult. I need to do it in Python or Matlab. For that, I need a C-interface to the PSMove client. If I could, I would simply use the op…
![weird rounding feedback](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/4606870/19026155/5737be38-88f0-11e6-9b1b-7e264e2372b1.PNG)
Can you tell me what triggers the "The accuracy of your answer is not …
The user file stops at an assertion failure when running in develop because a NaN (shown in Windows as a -1.#IND000000000000) was passed to PsyRhovFnTdbWPb_fast. The file was provided by a user as an …
Hi @TheodoreGalanos , @chriswmackey
I took a look a the [.csv OpenFoam result file](http://www.grasshopper3d.com/xn/detail/2985220:Comment:1505794) which Chris attached on the grasshopper forum:
When having selected a target with a large distance, you often see a list of numbers beyond a practical limit of the brain. I often can't read the the super fast changing strings of numbers and make m…
@ggorman @mlange05 I have some doubts about how the general case might look for running this sort of analysis using opesci.
1. True Velocity: Here a numpy array is handcrafted to be passed to the For…
Hi there.
I have been running some simulations using peridigm on a granular particles field.
Number of coordinates per node = 3
Number of nodes = 19886…
In realistic physics, if you jump up in the air, while airborn you can't do anything to change your velocity. The same applies if you jump off a cliff - your horizontal speed vector remains largely th…
sofar updated
8 years ago
Minecraft 1.7.10
RTG 0.8.0 RC-1
BiomeTweaker 2.0.182 loaded with RTG BOP tweaks
Seed: 3029737
![2016-05-04_17 30 42](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/11594018/15033554/b56b7d2…