Hello Developer,
I encountered an CPU memory error issue when I have executed the src/eval/verification.py to verify the pre-trained "model-r100-arcface-ms1m-refine-v2" model with "faces_ms1m-refin…
A suggestion to avoid training on a full dataset each time we add a new person!
While building a project based on facenet
We had a problem adding new people after the full training
For this reas…
After following through all the steps mentioned in readme for "FGSM against FaceNet" I am still getting an error when running facenet_fgsm.py:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "facenet_fg…
* Name of dataset: lfw
* URL of dataset: http://vis-www.cs.umass.edu/lfw/
* License of dataset: Unknown
* Short description of dataset and use case(s): lfw is a dataset of 1 or more photos of diffe…
Hi, May i know how to fix this issue? I am getting this error when i load facenet model as below,
detector = cv2.dnn.readNetFromTensorflow(20180402-114759.pb)
Traceback (most recent call last):
I have exported inception v3 model in .pb+variables format using the inception saved model python script in the example folder and deployed it in my tensorflow serving machine using bazel. But when I …
It would be nice to include an example showing how to programmatically convert a tensorflow model to keras model such that model learns from Tensorflow can be imported into Keras for further developme…
I was looking for the src_facenet.zip in the repo but unable to late. Can you please help me to find out.
In Google Collab cannot upload the zip. Please hel…
I'm try to understand how to create a custom model of shape predictor for face landmark extraction with dlib.
I've tried different training (changing train parameters) with images of 300-W …