I installed the SAFE template, created a default project and then when I run it with the following command,
fake build --target run
I get the following error:
ERROR in multi (webpack)-dev-s…
After updating my VS2017 to 15.8.1, if I launch fsianycpu.exe from the sdk folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\F#\4.1\Framework\v4.0)
Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundExcep…
# Visual Basic and C# Compiler Team Accomplishments
- Bugs, Bugs, more Bugs.
# Visual F# Tools Team Accomplishments
If I use FSharp.Data.Http.RequestString directly from FSharp interactive it works fine
If I build a module that use FSharp.Data, System.MissingMethodException occured.
// Program.fs
open S…
* FSI.EXE doesn't detect the presence of .NET Framework 4.6.2/4.7/4.7.1/4.7.2 and uses 4.6.1 as latest by default
* FSC.EXE likewise when run from the command line e.g. `fsc foo.fs` (and thus no `--n…
dsyme updated
5 years ago
Not sure if this is IfSharp related or the problem is on Azure side.
### Repro steps
Trying to execute this on F# notebook: https://notebooks.azure.com/algunion/libraries/list-splitter
### Expe…
I'm upgrading the official fsharp docker image to 4.1.24 and found that running F# interactive on mono results in a new error.
#### Repro steps
Provide the steps required to reproduce the proble…
I'm trying this code for example
I get the following error
when trying ` let ChartNow = ChartData.Load(polReq1)`
German Language pack menu option for FSharp Interactive is not localized.
Probably the others are not localized too.
#### Repro steps
1. Downloaded the repo on Master.
2. Ran build.cmd
3. Waited for a while as it proceeded to download the internet.
4. Eventually the window closed.
5. Open up the Visual FSharp soluti…