organise generic relational structure:
compound / region / mouse
mouse / treatment
treatment / experiment
weight / region / mouse
Ephys: cell# / cell line / region / mouse
**Donor inference**
- [Vireo](https://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-019-1865-2)
- [Souporcell](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41592-020-0820-1)
- [scsplit](https://…
For the genetic algorithm we are dealing with an non deterministic
objective function.
I have used scipy's Differential Evolution genetic algorithm to find initial parameters for fitting a double Lorentzian peak equation to Raman spectroscopy data. I found that the results were excellen…
We have methods for associating individual genetic variants and phenotypes (https://github.com/pystatgen/sgkit/pull/16, https://github.com/pystatgen/sgkit/pull/66), but inferring associations with gen…
Migrated from https://redmine.open-bio.org/issues/2653 which I filed on 2008-11-11,
> Looking at Bio/SeqUtils/CodonUsage.py there is a hard coded dictionary SynonymousCodons, presumably for the sta…
I see you are writing Python code for gradient descent optimization on GitHub. A general problem for gradient descent, particularly for more complex equations, is the choice of initial parameters to s…
[Annotation of genetic variants using ANNOVAR.pptx](https://github.com/WGLab/-BAIFW_2019_class-/files/3934308/Annotation.of.genetic.variants.using.ANNOVAR.pptx)
Example VCF file:
I want to only use the genetic distance from inputted sequence alignments to get the cut-off values, is that possible?
BTW, if construct trees, can I use other softwares, like fasttree, phyml, raxml?
# Reference
- [ ] [Github repo](https://github.com/EpistasisLab/tpot)
- [ ] [Docs](http://epistasislab.github.io/tpot/)
# Brief
- A Python Automated Machine Learning tool that optimizes machine …