This is constructed in Tayuan Huang, Lingling Huang & Miaow-Ing Lin,
On a class of strongly regular designs and quasi-semisymmetric designs, Recent Developments in Algebra and Related Areas:
ALM 8, …
Using Flint would be the obvious choice for univariate, giac otherwise?
Please can you enlighten me on the input formats supported by CIF (STIX, CyBOX) ? I am a student and have to do a survey on different threat intelligence tools, but I need some more information …
This bug was fixed in GiNaC 1.5.x but pynac forked off the 1.4.x branch. See
Translated to sage syntax…
I want this to work:
sage: n = var('n')
sage: sum(1/((2*n+1)^2-4)^2, n, 0, Infinity, algorithm='sympy')
See [this question on ask.sagemath.org](https://ask.sagemath.org/question/35839/sage…
I apologize if this had been addressed already, im new to GitHub.
Im using the Vol 2.5 source code in Ubuntu
I ran kdbgscanm below was the only profile that suggested Win10 so I used it.
#Idea1: App tìm đường đi tối ưu cho shipper
Using the repology.org's API, I've generated a list of possible updates that can be made to the nix packages. It lists the current nixpkgs_unstable version on the left of the arrow and the version tha…
Icon hình tam giác hiển thị popup "Vị trí hiện tại", icon hình tròn hiển thị popup "Vị trí của tôi"
=> dễ gây nhầm lẫn cho người dùng. Nên đổi tên icon hình tròn thành "Địa chỉ của tôi".
hutra updated
8 years ago
numeric.cpp includes giac headers unconditionally, breaking the build if giac is not installed.