API function (for GigE cams) to free all the buffers, not only the one in the input and output queues, but also the one handled by the packet receiving htread.
Reason: In our current application we h…
We are planned to use Aravis library for "BLACKFLY S FLIR P/N: BFS-PGE-31S4, GIGE VISION" camera. We want to know whether we could use aravis library for Blackfly S.
Thanks and Regards,
We are putting in some code segments to deal with a 10 GigE interface to the object store. Ultimately we intend to target installations that use IB interfaces which, in our experimentation, do not sho…
$ sudo apt install ros-melodic-desktop-full
E: ロック /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend が取得できませんでした - open (11: リソースが一時的に利用できません)
E: Unable to acquire t…
We fixed the WiFi lag on macOS in Synergy v1.9.0. Login to our forum using your Synergy account & [Download Synergy v1.9.0](https://symless.com/forums/topic/2587-synergy-v190-release-candidate/).
ghost updated
4 years ago
I am trying to enable PTP syncing on a GigE camera. I haven't been able to find any information in the documentation or the header files. If anyone could offer some insight into this process, it would…
The function of most camera properties are obvious by the name, like `Exposure Time (us)` or `Gain`. Others require a bit more imagination and guess work. For example, on my DMM 27UJ003-ML, the prope…
Boxes were created for virtualbox and the vagrant file configures for virtualbox but because I have the vmware_workstation plugin installed, it always defaults to that.
I would think that if metadata…
Hello, I'm trying to setup pypylon but i couldn't figure out.
Python version is 3.7.4
I download and install pylon software from basler web site.
then i install wheel with `pip install pypylon-1…
Hello, working with a DMK 33GX178e that works properly from windows, however linux code is not working.
Installed a fresh image of Ubuntu 18.04 on my laptop, installed required packages from readm…