Hi, here is a form to collect information on SolrNet priorities to decide what can be taken first. Please share with other SolrNet users.
From this feedba…
When working on a team, you should **never** merge your own PRs. Remember the gitflow workshop you did, it says it here: [https://github.com/foundersandcoders/git-workflow-workshop-for-two#step-9---pr…
- gerrit workflow
- gitflow
As a start, such written *rules* and procedures would prevent from introducing unwanted naming patterns and help to delimit the current ones. Let's expand on d5438ee:
Have heritagenear.me update when the master branch is updated
Hace rato que venimos usando algo similar a gitflow en los proyectos, pero esto a veces choca con el flujo de los PRs en github. Estaria bueno ver las diferentes estrategias y soluciones de otros proy…
tepen updated
7 years ago
#17 looks great and ready to merge into master, but that would update the documentation on getpapercss.com, but would the downloadable css file would not have the updates. That would need to be rebuil…
Correct me if I'm wrong
I've noticed that since we are merging PRs to 2 different branches i.e. master for hotfixes and develop for features. This will create merge issues when new features will be m…
I highly recommend all members to move to Feature Branch Workflow - https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/comparing-workflows#feature-branch-workflow
All non-member can use Forking Workflow - https…
Please release a version to an artifactory like eg. Bintray. Having vlingo available as a release artifact makes it easy to try it out.