Given a logged-in user is viewing the list of items
Now when an item's expiration date is 3 days or less from the current date
Then that item should be displayed in red text in the list view
I am using this configuration when trying to compile the templates:
Hello. i've tried to use this plugin for inlining CSS for handlebars templates, but it don't work.
Handlebars templates - are HTML parts without . Maybe this cause the trouble?
**Issue by [Prakashstar42](https://github.com/Prakashstar42)**
_Thursday Dec 18, 2014 at 07:23 GMT_
_Originally opened as https://github.com/adobe/brackets/issues/10212_
Brackets Live preview …
I haven't look into nickel much, but it seems the mustach template is hard-coded into the framework because the `render` function on response.
So, based on current design, is it possible to use [han…
**Sails version**:latest
**Node version**:v8.9.4
**NPM version**:v5.6.0
**DB adapter name**: N/A
**DB adapter version**: N/A
**Operating system**:N/A
the layout feature in default-view…
dc-me updated
5 years ago
I have a model property `Map statuses = new EnumMap(Line.class);`
where these are the enum definitions:
public enum Line {
unknown /*Line$1*/, Bakerloo /*Line$2*/, ...
public enum …
Swig has a concept of `tags` that are like `helpers` in handlebars.
Convert some of the custom handlebars `helpers` to `tags` for swig... good one is the `md` helper.
doowb updated
9 years ago
when trying to format ruby files either on save or forced with `CocCommand prettier.formatFile` nothing happens.
The output of the prettier coc extension is the following:
["INFO" …