I'm actually not sure if this is a liquibase issue, gradle plugin issue, or just a setup issue. After fiddling with this for about a day I couldn't figure out what was happening. Because if th…
This issue came up in https://github.com/dev-aspectj/aspectj-maven-plugin/issues/108, but it is not a problem concerning the Maven plugin. Instead, it seems to be related to annotation processing (APT…
Hi We have the similar problem and our parameters are as follows; We are using postgresql 9.6, hikari 3.1
2019-03-27 10:40:55.554 WARN 7 --- [ main] com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariConfig : HikariPool-1 - …
Support use of `EntityResult` within `ConstructorResult` for result type mapping of native queries.
Appears to happen after a restart, after fixing another runtime error?!
- http://forum.spring.io/forum/spring-projects/data/78558-spring-hibernate-automatic-transactions-and-entitymanager-how
# Spring boot) JPA란? Spring Data JPA 설정 및 사용(feat.h2, Hibernate) | 나는 성장하고 있는가?
개발환경 IntelliJ Spring boot 2.4.1 Gradle JPA란? Java Persistence API의 약자로, 자바 ORM(Object Relational Mapping, 객체와 테이블 간의 매핑…
Whilst developing applications using JPA, we have repeatedly found ourselves in a situation where the restriction preventing subqueries from being used in SELECT lists poses a serious limitation, requ…
**[wims.tijd](https://jira.spring.io/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=wims.tijd)** opened **[DATAREST-28](https://jira.spring.io/browse/DATAREST-28?redirect=false)** and commented
entity extending Abstra…
Original bug ID: [BZ#2965](https://osgi.org/members/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=2965)
From: @timothyjward
Reported version: R6
shardingsphere-jdbc-core 5.4.1 and spring boot version 3.1.9,orm use jpa.
i test like_encryptor on table t_account and column is mobile,I have inserted a piece of data into the t-account table ,