Yabause 01.02.2016
Fight #15 (Kraken fight)
Fight #15 :+1:
Models like KRAKEN can support seabed with layered sediments. Currently we don't have a way of representing such seabeds in the environment description. Add that support, so downstream models like [`U…
kraken.methodChannel.addMethodCallHandler((method, args) => "123456789");
final result = await javaScriptChannel.invokeMethod('test', null);
debugPrint('invoke test …
I recently added some Illumina reads for polishing to my Nanopore assembly, and ended up with an empty `InputFunctionException` when I tried to run it. Weirdly, though, a single job would still kick o…
Could you please add the both AIOs from the title from NZXT in the future?
BulkUpdateByType creates a NewStateChangeEvent, but passes in an empty reflect value. This will result in the debug message containing an invalid reflect value.
After processing [new set of 1000 files](https://kraken-dev.pc.avocode.com/admin/designs/processingcollection/137/change/?_changelist_filters=design_collection%3D21)
we found 2 errors which seem to m…
2023-04-21 16:44:27,328 [INFO] Executing scenarios for iteration 0 …
Hello everyone,
My team and I are quite new to krakend and we are having trouble connecting our back-end to the gateway. We are using nats for communicaiton. This is our gateway config:
I think the images generated - png and svg files can be losslessly reduced in size drastically.
Here's what I get from kraken.io
![twemoji compression](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/asset…