Landing Page - Simple single page with Single page with an “Intro/Education/BriefSummary” option for users very green to all things CC. And a Login for repeat users to access the subsequent pages and …
Needs to include:
- [ ] general about
- [ ] Call to action ==> e.g. use our app!
- [ ] Descriptions of Data and sources and how to read thigns
- [ ] Key insights
- [ ] Acknowledgements
- [ ] v…
Related to user stories #9 and #12
Currently when not connected to any server at all, the client gives you this:
We imm…
Build a website landing page for Pistols, containing...
- [x] underware.gg
- [ ] Underware website
- [ ] Pistols website
- [ ] Instructions or tutorial
- [ ] F.A.Q.
- [ ] Team, credits, thanks…
Write a simple landing page message on the `index.html`file.
Perhaps because on mobile the menu is closed we should add a little table of contents to the content area
Design HTML and styling for landing page of website
- about project: https://www.iquod.org/
- data is provided through NCEI
- landing page: https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/metadata/landing-page/bin/iso?id=gov.noaa.nodc:0170893
Possible next ste…