Es scheint, dass tudscrfonts die Unicode-Eingabe in LuaLaTeX kaputt macht. Beispiel:
% $Header$
% use lualatex for compilation
when I run the [demo beamer slideshow](https://pandoc.org/demo/SLIDES) using `pandoc -t beamer SLIDES -o example8.pdf` I get the error ` LaTeX Error: Option clash for package hyperref."`
I know bea…
In a `beamer` presentation generated with R-markdown, Pandoc 2.11.4 does not allow me to compile BibTeX references, which contain (by accident) a space " " at the end of the title of a BibTeX entry.
I'm creating this ticket as a follow-up to this [discussion](https://github.com/olsak/OpTeX/commit/48958c3ce03123cbc21a1019fc642ded6306b24b#commitcomment-45528975), so that we can collect ideas here.
**Steps and Expected**
I have (doom-modeline-mode) in my init file.
When I go to an item in org-mode, and hit the C-c $ (org-achive-subtree) command,
the minibuffer area flashes briefly and the…
I exchanged a couple messages with @eddelbuettel who pointed me to this project. Looks fantastic! Thanks for your work on this!
I made the transition from a vim+tmux workflow to emacs for R …
@gallais suggests (https://github.com/agda/agda/issues/2452#issuecomment-436244106) that we should provide some templates for use with the LaTeX backend. I think this sounds like a good idea. We could…
Hi David:
I'm having sporadic crashes on Catalina. This usually happens when I try to open a menu. I don't know if this fixes it, but I found a patched version of Emacs here https://debbugs.gnu.o…
There is a new version of AUCTeX. An Aquamacs user points out:
> Refer to https://emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/52443/auctex-not-loading-beamer-class with the reference to this change: http://g…
# Issue
Sometimes, when attempting to run code that displays a `pict` (or something akin) in the racket-mode REPL, the image does not show up, and instead just displays `#`. For example, *with the …