I have compiled the Vina-GPU-2.1 in a Ubuntu 20 system (GPU) following the instructions with cuda 11.4 and boost 1.77 version, but face this error when trying to test the example.
感谢作者做出了如此丰富的对比试验,完全让我没想到的是LINS能达到这么好的效果。因为看LINS的代码和论文,Lidar和IMU的紧耦合结果仅仅作为初值送入Mapping Module,Mapping Module本身还需要再做一次Scan-to-Map的ICP,所以我自己尝试过在不同初值下的Scan-to-Map的结果,发现得到结果差距不大,但没想到实际效果中LINS的结果如此的好。不过可能也有两…
Tileset.json file should contans https link:
The line commented in nginx conf [here](https://github.com/geoadmin/service-tileservergl/b…
Hi Dr.Lin,
Sorry to bother, but I was trying to carry on the physical design after global placement with DREAMPlace.
When I set the init_lef_file in Innovus, an error came out saying the tech …
Add fit possibility in the config (lin + exp at least?)
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Use LIN as the relatedness calculator
2. Calculate the relatedness of one word and a copy of it.
3. Get extremely high result (not [0,1])
What is the exp…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Use LIN as the relatedness calculator
2. Calculate the relatedness of one word and a copy of it.
3. Get extremely high result (not [0,1])
What is the exp…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Use LIN as the relatedness calculator
2. Calculate the relatedness of one word and a copy of it.
3. Get extremely high result (not [0,1])
What is the exp…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Use LIN as the relatedness calculator
2. Calculate the relatedness of one word and a copy of it.
3. Get extremely high result (not [0,1])
What is the exp…