I'm getting negative 50-year impacts for tropical storm winds when I calculate them at centroid level.
I'm using the `Impact.local_exceedance_imp` method to calculate impacts by return period and c…
Currently parachuters fall straight down, but they should be affected by the wind.
hbeni updated
9 months ago
I have some code the resizes images down to 190x190 for a report. We have a requirement to provide square images, and since the images are always rectangular, we pad the sides or top and bottom with …
I am running the following (simplified for demonstration) code:
import numpy as np
import time
import jax.numpy as jnp
import jax, jax.lax, jax.scipy.ndimage, jax.tree_util
**Mesh gradients** and **freeform gradients** are becoming a popular design feature, and it would be useful to be able to generate mesh gradient images dynamically with a function in CSS. The nomencla…
### Terms
- [X] I'm using the very latest version of CinematicsStudio and its dependencies.
- [X] I already searched on this [Github page](https://github.com/PluginBugs/Issues-CinematicsStudio/issues…
If I've got some gridded `x` and `y` data already sitting around, its a bit of a pain to interpolate. AFAICT the best way to do it is something like this:
``` julia
x = [2,4,6,8]
y = [1,4,3,6]
itp =…
### This issue is unique.
- [X] I have used the [search tool](https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE/DesktopEditors/issues?q=) and did not find an issue describing my idea.
### Your idea.
The addition of th…
## Motivation
The TextureFilter of colorRampTexture is now only fixed to 'LINEAR'.
But in some case, the user may wish to use 'NEAREST' for color palette, especially using 'step' expression for ra…
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
Currently, it is difficult to deduce whether a range that has undergone MVCC GC still has a large number of deletions that are wai…