setup.md中的“ pip install easydict opencv-contrib-python== Cython h5py lmdb mahotas pandas requests bs4 matplotlib lxml -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple/” 这条命令在运行时出现如下错误,求问该如何解决吖!
cmake failed:
CMake Warning (dev) at build_host_protoc/cmake/protobuf-config-version.cmake:50 (if):
Policy CMP0054 is not set: Only interpret if() arguments as variables or
keywords when u…
Hi there, I have some questions about the data splitting on LBA.
I'm not sure if these three indices txt files are already generated in the previous steps (https://github.com/drorlab/atom3d/blob/ma…
Fresh, successful Caffe installation on Ubuntu 16.04. Caffe was compiled on the system for CPU-only operation. LMDB version 0.9.17-3 is installed as well. Everything is very 'vanilla'.
To double…
similar to https://gitlab.gnome.org/BrainBlasted/olm-sys/-/blob/master/README.md#dynamic
ildar updated
2 years ago
In the Uni-Mol paper, the average number of seconds per ligand is 0.2.
> Efficiency benchmark We compare Uni-Mol binding pose prediction with popular docking tools in efficiency. The baseline result…
The following code works in 3.0.14 but not 3.1.0-3.1.5
```const { open } = require('lmdb');
const store = open({ path: '/tmp/cont3xt-db', compression: true });
const overviewStore = store.openDB(…
Hello! I've been using [my own bindings](https://github.com/zenhotels/lmdb-go) for a while, but recently switched to your package because of handy API and because Go doesn't allow to link the same C s…
Hi all,
I have benchmarked tiny-cnn vs caffe on CPU using pretrained bvlc_reference_caffenet model provided by caffe.
My findings are that the convolution and fully connected layer implementation a…