JIRA Issue: [KIEKER-638] Exclude loggers in aop.xml by default?
Original Reporter: Andre van Hoorn
It seems that especially in Java EE environments, there is a high risk that loggers are woven a…
检测到 LG9510/java_learn 一共引入了15个开源组件,存在3个漏洞
漏洞标题:Apache Log4j不可信数据反序列化漏洞
漏洞描述:Apache Log4j是美国阿帕奇(Apache)软件基金会的一款基于Java的开源日志记录工具。
Apache Log4j 1.2版本中存在安全漏…
ghost updated
2 years ago
Hi everyone,
we use the ready-api-soapui-testrunner:3.20.0 from hub.docker.com.
During our security scans (trivy v0.22.0) we discovered that the image contains a critical error. The CVE-2019-175…
Anc0r updated
2 years ago
Within \yajhfc\org\apache\commons\logging\impl there ist a Log4JLogger.class
I'm not a developer so i cannot say, wether this is a problem or not.
Maybe one could give some information about usage…
While following the installing instructions I run into the following error with the kafka-avro-console-producer:
kafka-avro-console-producer --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic example --property…
Remove log4j dependency and use JDK logging instead, following the lead of
the GlassFish project.
Original issue reported on …
Vulnerable Library - esapi-
The Enterprise Security API (ESAPI) project is an OWASP project
to create simple strong security controls for every web platform.
Security cont…
Migrate Apache log4j with Logback becasue of log4j vulnerability issue.
The SLF4J/Log4j bindings are missing the this repository, which results in the following error. Add the correct bindings to route AWS SDK log messages to Log4j.
> SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.s…