The Badíʿ calendar is a solar calendar where each year starts with the vernal equinox. It was developed and defined by the founders of the Bahá'í Faith in the mid to late 1800's A.D. The formal name…
After upgrading to airflow 2.0.0 it seems as if the scheduler isn't working anymore. Tasks hang on scheduled state, but no tasks get executed. I've tested this with sequential and celery executor. Whe…
Thank you very much for the excellent picker package. May I know if there is a way to customise the Month and Day so that I can add more information like the correspondent Chinese Lunar Calendar Mont…
Curent lunar caleder for Korea class is based on the "Chinese" lunar calender, which is differ from the "Korean" lunar calender.
Recently the python-holidays package is updated and fixes the proble…
For Neural-Network regression prediction task cross_val_predict from SKlearn throws the error (full error further below, below the model used)
TypeError: can't pickle _thread.RLock objects
#### Summary:
Please provide a short couple sentence summary.
Hello! I try to install fbprophet via pip. As a result, some error occures.
#### Description:
Describe the issue as clearly as poss…
**`getMoonAges(date: Date)`** should returns moon age at a given date, why this function return an array of Int ?
**`getMoonModels(date: Date)`** should return EKMoonModel at a given date, why this…
**Describe the bug**
Previously, we were able to upgrade/downgrade the entire Hyper .cab firmware package with fwupdmgr and now we're failing on PD firmware (Hub firmware is pass). We’re wondering if…
你好,我是个个人开发者,只能申请到小米、华为、魅族的推送权限,无法申请到 OPPO 和 VIVO 的,因为这两家需要企业开发者才能申请。所以当我尝试去掉 OPPO 和 VIVO 的依赖时,发现 MixPush 初始化的时候报错了,提示无法找到 OPPO 和 VIVO 的相关类,导致无法完成初始化,也就没法拿到 regId。若不去除 OPPO 和 VIVO 的依赖,则初始化时提示没有找到 OPPO …
I followed the step that is listed in the tutorial. However, I get the following errors for CombinedCategoricalDissimilarity.
Moreover, when I use PositionalDissimilarity I get a different erro…