Matomo user reached out to support requesting for a feature.
To have an option to be able to put a notes in visitors profiles which improve tracking traceability.
Est-ce que les TOS [ici](https://github.com/codegouvfr/keycloak-theme-dsfr/blob/6c936e0c3131ea099e5af7f333bf5e9940bbbd2c/public/tos_fr.md) (qui semblent correspondre à ceux du SILL) sont utilisés et s…
with phpstat (see simple-matomo-tracking-code)
Matamo used to work great. I tried uninstalling it and deleting all data and then reinstalling it, and that did not resolve the issue.
'' 'Error unserializing the following response from ?module=A…
Hi there! Thanks for doing everything open source :)
I'm currently working on a react project, a [search app](https://github.com/ontola/openbesluitvorming/issues/144), where i use a query parameter…
### Which domain(s) should be blocked?
### Why should these domain(s) be blocked?
Tracking and ads
Utiliser https://plausible.io/ ou https://fr.matomo.org/
The Matomo dashboard does not load (only the top nav bar). A whole series of errors are displayed in the Dev Tool console:
- [ ] Récupérer les serveurs de nom côté Gandi
- [ ] Ajouter les enregistrement DNS :
- A :
- www : CNAME : cname.vercel-dns.com.
- data : CNAME : ecolab-data.netlify.app.
Lors de la 2eme semaine du sprint vous serez sollicité pour :
- l'intégration des tags (google tags etc)
- la mise en place du bandeau cookies
- permettre d'avoir la data dans l'onglet campagne de …