Hi all,
I'm trying to use modm under windows 10 with anaconda3 64bit. I've followed the steps in the installation page and found a few mistakes.
- "conda install" command from anaconda can't in…
Hi! I was happy to find you lib, as i try to use an ATTiny85 with an CAN-Shield having an MCP2515 controller on it, which uses SPI communication. Besides that compiling in Arduino IDE throw some stran…
Maintainer: @commodo
Environment: lantiq_xway, r9414-2d139450a3)
python3-base conflicts with other python packages:
Collected errors:
* check_data_file_clashes: Package pyth…
I have a question,
CAN bus just receive 8 Byte, this lib how to NMEA2000 message?
this class ActisenseReader ?
I'm using Raspberry Pi with MCP2515 connected to a network consisting of two [Delta servo drives](http://www.deltaww.com/Products/CategoryListT1.aspx?CID=060201&PID=23&hl=en-US&Name=ASDA-A2). I am try…
I'm using a CAN module which uses MCP2515 controller with an 8 MHz external oscillator and TJA1050 transceiver. If I set up the interface with
`sudo ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 1000000 `
Dear all,
I'm trying to make the "receive_check" CAN_BUS example working on my attiny1634.
What I did is to transform an UNO board replacing the ATmega328p with the ATtiny1634 on the DIP socket.
I am trying to compile GVRET for the EVTVDue in order to use it with SavvyCAN. Some files were initially missing but I was able to get over that error using MCP2515 libraries (in addition to the ones …
The SAM does NOT have an MCP2515
But if you look in https://github.com/macchina/arduino-boards-sam/tree/master/sam/libraries
...you will notice the inclusion of the MCP2515 library
I guess this was…
Found these CAN bus transceivers on eBay ([SN65HVD230](http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/sn65hvd230.pdf)). Will they work with this NMEA200 library?