**Reported by olga.silantyeva on 10 Dec 2015 09:52 UTC**
I refer to Specification for Modelica 3.3 revision 1 https://www.modelica.org/documents/ModelicaSpec33Revision1.pdf/view.
On page 103 ther…
**Reported by peter.fritzson on 10 Oct 2012 06:14 UTC**
Section 4.7. Balanced Models
Definition 1: Local Number of Unknowns
Are variables of operator record types expanded into primitive elemen…
**Reported by stefanv on 24 Sep 2014 13:33 UTC**
Consider a package like this:
package MyLibrary
import Modelica.Math; // or import Math = Modelica.Math
package Math
**Reported by adrpo on 17 Sep 2009 22:19 UTC**
Hi all,
[[BR]]In the specification it say:
Q-CHAR = any member of the source character set
except single-quote "’", and backslash "\"
**Modified by dietmarw on 12 Dec 2011 17:39 UTC**
There are two special uses of the percent sign (%) in strings in graphical annotations that are used pretty much everywhere in the MSL:
* %_parameter…
**Reported by m.ceraolo on 15 Dec 2016 12:28 UTC**
In Modelica Specifications 3.3, I see the word "lineThickness" only in an example a the end of sect.
In this example I read
**Reported by per.ostlund on 22 Nov 2012 12:27 UTC**
The specification says in section 7.2: "In most cases a declaration that can be redeclared must include the prefix replaceable (Section 7.3)". …
**Reported by stefanv on 21 Sep 2012 16:00 UTC**
The meaning of `enumeration(:)` isn't given anywhere in the language specification. By deduction and intuition, I think it means, "an enumeration type …
**Reported by choeger on 6 Jan 2015 11:15 UTC**
According to the grammar in the specification, the following snippet is syntactically invalid:
A a(x[5].start = 42.0);
Because `element_modi…
**Reported by fcasella on 27 Jan 2010 22:07 UTC**
I have tried to understand exactly how the caching of function calls works in the Modelica.Media IF97 medium model, using the Inline=false, LateInline…