It would reduce scan time when the path_traversal module is used if could specify the operating system type (unix or windows)
I thought at something like " --modules=path_traversal:os=unix "
I've been stresstesting my haystack to see how much http connections a honeyd instance can manage. For this I use the httperf tool with the following example command :
httperf --server XXX.XXX.XXX.X…
Original ticket: https://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/seccubus/ticket/80
I set up a simple Nmap scan to identify live hosts in my DMZ. Using do-scan, the scan fails since the /home/seccubus/scanners/Nma…
Many of our "nmap -O" scans of honeypots do not get 100% correct matches to the operating system being emulated, and in some cases the first match in the fuzzy scan isn't even the one that is being em…
fanout.js throws an uncaughtException (connection reset by peer) if the server is scanned using nmap.
27 Jan 08:44:44 - info: client connected!
27 Jan 08:44:44 - info: adding sub: all
27 Jan 08:44:…
Migrated from [rt.perl.org#115928](https://rt-archive.perl.org/perl5/Ticket/Display.html?id=115928) (status was 'resolved')
Searchable as RT115928$
p5pRT updated
11 years ago
Check if BlockBot preforms nmap scans and remove it. This feature is in Trekbot.
Also remove the proxy-scan option from the config.