#655 makes several fields of [`AuctionAdConfig`](https://wicg.github.io/turtledove/#dictdef-auctionadconfig) into Promises, but not all of them. Apparently this is [based on industry feedback and some…
![Screen Shot 2023-05-26 at 10 29 21 PM](https://github.com/frankcollins3/fill_container/assets/73137934/3d13b6b3-b730-465a-9245-1ff0daf26c97)
heres the function I'm currently working with:
### What is the issue with the HTML Standard?
See https://bug1910599.bmoattachments.org/attachment.cgi?id=9416887, where the behavior is different depending on whether the svg is in the list of ava…
I'm running CloudCal using R 4.3.2 on a Mac. I have uploaded a set of 20 CSV files that I created from PDZ files using S1PXRF and following your recommendation to select 'Replace duration with …
* CVE-2024-27322, also [the patch](https://github.com/r-devel/r-svn/commit/f7c46500f455eb4edfc3656c3fa20af61b16abb7)
* this message by [GWS](https://mstdn.social/@gws/112359221951567488)
* […
### To Reproduce
Initialisation steps from https://github.com/hashgraph/solo/issues/727 and:
npm run solo -- node add --gossip-keys true --tls-keys true --release-tag v0.54.0-alpha.…
### We would like to learn about your use case. For example, if this feature is needed to adopt Narwhals in an open source project, could you please enter the link to it below?
I'm building a pl…
I am getting mocha crashes while trying to debug problems with my promises lib and running the test suite:
Just jotting down some cases I found confusing.
Ideally for each case, it should either work, or should fail in some obvious way.
## Working: startTransition + 1000ms Promise root
When loading multiple tracks together using multiple calls to `browser.loadTrack`, I think the retry mechanism in igvxhr.js on a 401 works only for one in-flight promise, all the other in-flight promi…