I'm trying to use an svg with the following rect element:
This is transformed to:
React.createElement("rect", { x: "1.25", y: "6.15", width: "38.36", height: "49.53", rx: "4.39", ry: "…
Hey I'm new to reactive cocoa so I hope this isn't too basic. I'm converting my objective-c project to learn swift+ReactiveCocoa I feel like I've read everything but still stumped on this one issue.…
I'm trying to include `react-anything-sortable` with an existing component that uses `browserify`. I'm getting the following error when trying to render the component:
``` javascript
Uncaught Error: …
When I try to require react-popup in my file, I get this error:
`/node_modules/react-popup/index.js Line 188: Unexpected token <
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.`
After d…
Just updated to the latest version of shrinkpack, and I get this error:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'shrinkpack' of undefined
at removeDep (/home/ryan/.nvm/versions/node/v4.3.1/li…
I can't get reactify to work. No matter what I do I keep getting this Parse Error.
ReactifyError: /path/to/my/file: Parse Error: Line 6: Unexpected token < while parsing file: /path/to/my/file
Since I replaced reactify by babelify, I get the following error when I try to browserify my project using your module:
`Error: Cannot find module 'reactify' from '/Users/mvila/Projects-next/avc-onli…
mvila updated
9 years ago
Need [babelify](https://github.com/babel/babelify) instead of reactify.
When I do this, the `isomorphic` chapter's error cannot erased.
It seems that `reactify` causes the error.
I will have to change `reactify` to `babelify`.
I'm trying to use your component and getting an error when using browserify:
> Error: Parsing file `node_modules\react-spin\src\main.js`: Unexpected token (29:6)
Specifically, I am [running into thi…