I try to train on a smaller network such as CaffeNet and GoogleNet. But the result is map= 0.002, something like that. Do you ever get a chance to train R-FCN with smaller network? If yes, How is…
I am using ML.NET in C# to extract features for a reverse image search. It is based on the code sample from Microsoft's documentation at the following page: [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/…
Hi, can anyone reproduce the results in the raw paper based on this pytorch project, especially the average part interpretability of filters?
On the one hand, neither the matlab nor the pytorch pro…
Hi, I would like to finetune and evaluate models pretrained on the standard ImageNet split, such as https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/torchvision/models.html, on your benchmark on datasets other than Im…
Following the steps mentioned in the README, I cloned the repo, `cd` into it, and tried to build it using `./build-scalehls.sh`. I got the following error when trying with Ninja installed:
Hi, thanks for sharing your code.
I tried it out trainer=SelfEnsembling, source_domain=mnist and traget_domain=mnist_m and I was expecting to get around 95% accuracy on the test subset, target_doma…
hi @qbxlvnf11
i wanted to convert parseq model to onnx , like below
resnet18 = torch.hub.load('baudm/parseq', 'parseq', pretrained=True) this was added in main function
Have you uploaded the pre-trained model file?So I can save a lot of time training them.Thanks very much!
### Branch
main branch (mmpretrain version)
### Describe the bug
Using the mmpretrain.api.ImageClassificationInferencer is giving me outputs that are inconsistent with the underlying torch model. …