## Expected behavior
Rubocop should analyze the ruby code without errors unrelated to the code itself.
## Actual behavior
Rubocop fails due to `GuardClause` cop:
`» bundle exec rubocop . -…
Update Feb 6, 2024 - Released as part of Docker Desktop 4.27 - https://www.docker.com/blog/announcing-synchronized-file-shares/
Update Nov 9, 2023 - [As announced in June, Docker has acquired Mutag…
I will probably manage to fix it on my own, but it is one of those things that will stop people starting with rails.
### Steps to reproduce
rvm use ruby-3.0.4
gem install rails -v 7.1.1
### Ruby Version: 2.6.9
### GemEnv
RubyGems Environment:
- RUBY VERSION: 2.6.9 (2021-11-24 patchlevel 207) [x86_64-linux]
Trying to create a custom template for generating model specs.
`lib/templates/rspec/model/model_spec.rb `
This line is triggering a `Lint/Syntax` error which cannot be disabled, by design.
I have my own class, and I named its own method `#dig`
It appears Rubocop has detected the call to `#dig` with a single argument and
complains because it is better to use single brackets instead o…
# Background
I want to generate google and google-beta provider codes from [GoogleCloudPlatform/magic-modules](https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/magic-modules) as described in [Generate google…
When i go to admin panel, i click on "New product " , i get routes error
**Solidus Version**:
2.7.3 :001 > Spree.solidus_version
=> "3.4.3"
**To Reproduce**
1. Go to ad…
Rubocop throws error when executed on jRuby environment.
$ rubocop
wrong argument type Rainbow::NullPresenter (expected String)
org/jruby/common/RubyWarnings.java:224:in `warn'
I noticed that the `Layout/FirstArgumentIndentation` gives incorrect recommendations for when calling a method who's arguments are very long and thus must be placed on the following line: