Is there a way to disable both `numeric_detection` and `date_detection` for a single ActiveRecord attribute ([source](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/dynamic-field-map…
Hello guys.
I want to update only the elasticsearch (without update model). I want to make a rating system with a cronjob in batch (updating the database in each 10 minutes with cronjob), but in ever…
``` ruby
index_name: [User, Post],
where: {
user: { role: 'writer' },
post: { published: 'true' }
Is this possible to support something like this …
id of documents is of type integer. When i perform model.search i can see "_id" => "1", which is converted to string. So all operations are failing on search results with document not found with id.
I get the following error when I add AWS configuration in the initializer:
Oj::ParseError at /
unexpected character at line 1, column 1 [parse.c:690]
In the initializer if I leave it bl…
The `search` method conflicts w/ [ransack](https://github.com/ernie/ransack) and probably other gems.
Tire handles this with the `tire` scope. This is one possible option.
I'm migrating over from Tire and need to define a custom analyzer / filters for one of my indexes along with a custom mapping for one field to use that analyzer. However, I didn't initially realize th…
It would be great to be able to force a timeout on the rake task. For example : `rake searchkick:reindex:all timeout=20`
The documentation is outdated. The feature "suggestions" says a String is used, but expects a Symbol.
PR: https://github.com/ankane/searchkick/pull/444
Seems like searchkick doesn'y support Elasticsearch 1.0. Since 1.0 of elasticesearch-reuby is required (https://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-ruby/tree/master/elasticsearch-api#elasticsearcha…