I don’t have the original paper, but 3 linked documents below show that
the modified Eucken correlation is
(Lambda * M)/(eta * Cv) = 1.32 + 177 * (R/Cv).
R is the universal gas constant…
### **❓ 질문 내용**
- BPTT 이외에 RNN/LSTM/GRU의 구조를 유지하면서 gradient vanishing/exploding 문제를 완화할 수 있는 방법이 있을까요?
- RNN/LSTM/GRU 기반의 Language Model에서 초반 time step의 정보를 전달하기 어려운 점을 완화할 수 있는 방법이 있을까요?
PAHT: Talking to Shruti and Herb, we have some issues. what we are doing now is taking a model from Bert and the corresponding tokenizer. Both of which were trained on the English language (OSCAR) and…
Elementary discourse unit (EDU) is a linguistic unit that larger than a word and smaller than sentence. It contains one piece of information. EDUs and their relationships are basis for constructing di…
## Description
Implementing error evaluation using rolling forecasts (also known as time series cross validation) would bring more accurate error metrics to Gluon-TS.
There are a couple of diff…
Sorry for contacting you here.
I am using your work for a project. How would you like it to be cited?
Hi @armancohan
the available SciDocs embeddings and the embeddings returned from the API do not match the embeddings derived from the Huggingface model. Are the model weights the same? Or any idea…
Should we speculate on why lab and field experiments have declined? This might link to natural history / increase in modeling, etc.? Any published literature we could cite?
In the Lucas-Kanade function documentation (e.g. [here](https://pysteps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/generated/pysteps.motion.lucaskanade.dense_lucaskanade.html#pysteps.motion.lucaskanade.dense_lucaskanad…