#730 OtsoTurpeinen just letting you know that Baumi featured your ability in his latest video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqaZp1FtsE4
He likes it.
Alchemist gains increased passive gold gain. Skilling stats provides bonus +1.
Should this only happen when Alchemist is alive?
Well, [Ascendancy](http://www.pathofexile.com/ascendancy) is coming, and with it lots of new mods and a whole new... chunk of the skill tree.
My thoughts so far:
- The ascendancies' trees (I'll call …
Failed: [k8s.io] PreStop should call prestop when killing a pod [Conformance] {Kubernetes e2e suite…
Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "TODO"
Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "hoggeccentricity"
Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "dfmexopop"
Warning--I didn't find a d…
Trying this in my fork.
Just in case anyone is wondering.
its possible that other heroes have similar problems
[workshop comments](http://imgur.com/a/UZ0ft)
The vendor/autoload.php is missing on github, it's used in the demo and test.
Could some add this or tell me where I can get this?
Increases movement speed and damage by 10% when not within 1100 units of any allied heroes.