This is a modified version of the `char_oxidation` verification cases. A single particle of CHAR is exposed to a heat flux.
In the 'lumped' case, the char oxidation follows the shortcut of consumin…
I'm interested in using this library to decode NCEP BUFR files that contain forecast atmospheric sounding profiles. [An example file can be found here](https://storage.googleapis.com/high-r…
您好,我把checkpoint的路径设置成您那个pretrain文件夹里面的checkpoint ,test切片进行, sequence08的eval的结果好像有些不对 您能帮我看看吗 感谢您
这是我test时候的命令 python3 test_SemanticKITTI.py --test_id 08 --result_dir /media/wx/HDD/DQ/RandLA-pytor…
Compute the indicators requiered by the Urban Weather Generator model
See : https://github.com/ladybug-tools/uwg
The following indicators are aggregated onto a regular grid.
- [x] bldheight – U…
It seems as if the UFS_UTILS has not been run outside of NOAA HPC environments. In order to run locally (in a docker container), there are a couple instances where the build expects aprun to be used. …
To facilitate selecting the collection to be used for an item search on the normal search panel (https://radiantearth.github.io/stac-browser/#/search/external/eovoc.spacebel.be/), it would be helpful …
# Things to do
* ~~check how many image patches contain "too much" China. China does not exist on the images~~.
* ~~check if the parts of the image that are labelled as China (they are 0 in the 3rd…
You will need to modify the classes.txt file in doodler.
You want something that has a bunch of classes, but it does not need to be exhaustive:
new map for fig 1 still needed - one with region, insert etc like I sent you for Nature Ecology and Evolution paper.
combine fig 1 and 2 and map one sweet and clear map
fig 3 - rename circle 'Shrub …
Hi Florian,
since I was recommended DHARMa, I'm an enthusiastic user and appreciate its versatility. Currently I'm working on a dataset of estimated cover scores of invasive plant species in many d…