First of all thank you for this wonderful library!
### Version
> cargo tree | grep bon
├── bon v3.0.0
│ ├── bon-macros v3.0.0 (proc-macro)
### Description
The following doesn…
First, I have to say you created a great program.
My question : is there an easy way to make a reverse playback with your sound
engine ?
Thanks by advance !
Original issue r…
First, I have to say you created a great program.
My question : is there an easy way to make a reverse playback with your sound
engine ?
Thanks by advance !
Original issue r…
Please see the npm install and npm start warnings and errors below.
npm install
`> meanjs@0.5.0 start myfilepath\meanjs
> gulp
} = primordials;
ReferenceError: primordials …
I occasionally find that I need a record of constraints without actually having values. The `Dict` definition in vinyl requires a value, I started by passing `undefined` (eww...), but I have now settl…
Add track seeking support to the streaming proxy.
CherryPy has a useful function called serve_fileobj(), that takes care of all partial content request stuff. The stream could implement a virtual fil…
BigSur does Not allow to "Downgrade" to Catalina...
in fact it takes a million years to "upgrade" from Catalina to BigSur.
Older versions of OSX allowed to Up & Down grade very easy, Exept El C…
How will the database schema look like? We're using Mongo, so we can embed documents (like the `author` in the `questions` collection) to reduce the number of queries.
I think the documents below a…
The webpage "plugins" for gulp state, "No need for a gulp plugin. Just use webpack directly." but your examples don't **just** use WebPack directly, they miss out on the point of Gulp entirely.
For e…