In cazul in care se transmite o corectie pentru un contract, cu data de validare anterioara altor modificari transmise deja pentru acel contract, ar fi obligatorie reverificarea consistentei contractu…
### **Summary:**
To develop the analysis projects is necessary to extract data to map the parliamentary ecosystem of the Argentinian Republic including at least, legislators, legislaation, networks an…
Userul poate alege sa imparta pdful in mai multe subcapitole din care sa se poata genera intrebarile. Pentru user, va arata exact la fel ca si cum ar pune un pdf si genereaza quiz.
Minim o intreba…
Daca nu mai am date prelucrate de citit si apelez metoda "ReadMessage" imi da eroare cu status code 404 (vezi atasament).
Daca apelez metoada "PollMessage" nu da eroare si da status 204 - No Conte…
### Is there an existing issue for this?
- [X] I have searched the existing issues and checked the recent builds/commits of both this extension and the webui
### Is EasyPhoto the latest version?
- …
### Describe the bug
After I turn on Integrated AR System to play some music, I find the AR system is activated and I can't find buttons to turn it off.
### Attach save file
### Steps to repro…
### Description of the bug:
I'm new to bazel (trialing it for my company) so please excuse if this isn't a legitimate bug.
To summarize, adding a custom cc_toolchain introduces two issues:
* i…
Create tutorial page structure according to the following page
Acceptance criteria:
- Use bootstrap for fast styling.
- Change theme according to team d…
Create franchise page structure according to the following page
Acceptance criteria:
- Use bootstrap for fast styling.
- Change theme according to team…