When a user is starting to annotate a new metadata record via https://discovery.biothings.io/guide/outbreak/dataset, it'd be cool to suggest that instead a user edit the previously entered metadata, i…
Results from running [query D.1](https://github.com/NCATSTranslator/minihackathons/blob/main/2021-12_demo/workflowD/D.1_parkinsons-crohns.json) on a local instance can be found here: https://www.dropb…
The current `smartapi_specs.json` cache file saves the raw output from the SmartAPI API, which contains some dynamic values like:
{"took":153,"total":132,"max_score":0.46090317, ...}
Error messages are like:
Aug 12 21:35:45 su06 python[68443]: INFO:tornado.access:200 OPTIONS /index ( 0.97ms
Aug 12 21:35:46 su06 python[68443]: DEBUG:indexmanager:
Aug 12 2…
The workflow progress tracker ran Query B.2a: https://github.com/NCATSTranslator/minihackathons/blob/main/2021-12_demo/workflowB/B.2a_DILI-fourth-one-hop-from-CHEBI_41879_Dexamethasone.json via both a…
[EDIT: this ticket is outdated since API's operations have been updated since then. See below for updated queries]
BTE queries Clinical Risk KP API, which has the Biolink Procedure entities (NCIT I…
This is from the logs when `updateSmartAPISpecs` cron job is running:
bte:biothings-explorer-trapi:cron Successfully got /meta_knowledge_graph for https://automat.renci.org/cord19-scibite/1.…