In a Tezos contract, how is a payment amount / account balance represented? (Typewise - is it an `i64`?)
The zkAbacus API needs to define a transformation between a currency value (e.g. using the sam…
Signature verification failure
**Steps to reproduce:**
1. Generate 4 private keys p1, p2, p3, p4
2. Calculate corresponding public keys P1, P2, P3, P4
3. Calculate aggregate p…
## Date and Time
- Meeting Date/Time: Monday, Jan 18 at 1600 UTC
- Meeting Duration: 60 mins
## Location
Zoom: Will be shared in the breakout-room in EthR&D discord channel
## Agenda
- Qui…
# Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 87 Agenda
- Meeting Date/Time: **Friday 15 May 2020, [14:00 UTC](https://savvytime.com/converter/utc-to-germany-berlin-united-kingdom-london-ny-new-york-city-ca-san-…
# Ethereum Core Devs Meeting 96 Agenda
- Meeting Date/Time: **Friday 18 September 2020, [14:00 UTC](https://savvytime.com/converter/utc-to-germany-berlin-united-kingdom-london-ny-new-york-city-c…
I am working on the JavaScript support for a package called [bls12-381](https://gitlab.com/dannywillems/ocaml-bls12-381/) implementing the curve BLS12-381 using a Rust optimized implementation.
Hi @paulmillr,
Thanks for the great work.
Are you planning to add support for constructing points G1 and G2 from their uncompressed forms?
When using the BLS12-381 preset on the actual master, the basic squaring test in `test_bn` fails.
All other tests from `ctest` pass and the test is also passed by the release 0.5.0 with the BLS pres…
- Support for the elliptic curve construction BLS12-381: new types bls12_381_g1, bls12_381_g2, bls12_381_fr, bls12_381_g1_compressed and bls12_381_g2_compressed, and new instructions COMPRESS, DECOMPR…
m-kus updated
3 years ago
When building on M1, rust lib compiles properly however CGO build fails with 170 duplicate symbols. (Builds properly when downloading the prebuilt version on Intel).
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