`python train.py ../config/fabric_defect/cascade_rcnn_r50_fpn_70e.py`
Hello, I only have one GPU (RTX2080, 8GB), so I run it on train.py and it doesn't run due to OOM problems. To solve this proble…
When I predict the image,I set the config`score_thr=0.3, nms=dict(type='soft_nms', iou_thr=0.7),`:
test_cfg = dict(
Cascade R-CNN系列模型在2.0.0版本上能否运行,aistudio上最新的版本是2.0.0, 能否在[aistudio](aistudio.baidu.com)平台上运行Cascade R-CNN模型?
How can I write a plugin module like ContextBlock, BTW, I couldn't find the import position of ContextBlok in the latest repo. Thanks for kindly reply.
TridentNet: I have a rtx2080s with 8G memory and it’s fine to train in batch size=2.but when I test the model use test_branch_idx=-1(which uses all three branches to test instead of only the middle br…
I try to test an image use the config flie from https://github.com/mdv3101/CDeCNet/blob/master/configs/dcn/db_cascade_mask_rcnn_x101_fpn_dconv_c3-c5_1x_coco.py ,
and checkpoint file from your result…
Hello, sir. This is a nice work! I want to use this repo to improve my detection performance, but there are some question about using this repo.
I have trained my detection model in mmdetection, and …
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "trainval_net.py", line 209, in
imdb.num_classes, training=True)
File "/home/wuwenfu/faster-rcnn.pytorch-master/lib/roi_data_layer/roibatchLoader.py…
Hello All,
I am training the ResNxt-152 Mask RCNN model, on the custom dataset. All the configurations are default. Training on 16 GPUs instance, with a small dataset of 4K images
i was following this tutorial : https://dgmaxime.medium.com/how-to-easily-install-detectron2-on-windows-10-39186139101c
when i try : pip install -e . or "python setup.py build develop" when cloni…