- For https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/CMSCOMPPR-147 (cerminar_Run2016D-v2-HTMHT-23Sep2016_8020_160926_165944_8575), we decided to replicate the input dataset to Nebraska and FNAL by hand, when the Rer…
While `crab submit --proxy $X509_USER_PROXY -c task.py` works [a] but fails when run without `--proxy $X509_USER_PROXY ` option [b]. Why crab does not check for `X509_USER_PROXY` env variable and use …
### Check duplicate issues.
- [X] Checked for duplicates
### Goal
I'm trying to understand the memory usage of sensitive volumes in dd4hep. I have a detector with a large number of sensitive …
This is discussed at the WM training today. Alan mentioned a few conditions which is used to decide whether to close a block or not. It'd be useful to document all cases [1]
[1] https://indico.ce…
Jenkins tests started for 4b9b4c2 at 2024/03/07 18:41
Build logs are available at: https://cmssdt.cern.ch/cms-jenkins//job/run-EcalLaserValidation-L1T_EcalLaserValidation-push-tests/748/console
While converting the `XrdCl::URL` tests to GoogleTest, I noticed that it accepts zero, negative, and big (>65536) port numbers as valid. For example, `"root://eospilot.cern.ch:-1"`, and `"root://eospi…
Package version (if known): version-v9.0.0.rc1 - https://inveniordm.web.cern.ch/ (2022-05-18)
## Describe the bug
The "Select a community" Button when creating a record is very prominent and feels…
Package version (if known): version-v9.0.0.rc1 - https://inveniordm.web.cern.ch/ (2022-05-18)
## Describe the bug
Part of the Community settings is the community identifier. However, the page it…
Investigate why DQMOffline/JetMET is not using the trigger paths via the AlCaRecoTriggerbits tag: https://github.com/cms-sw/cmssw/blob/master/DQMOffline/JetMET/python/metDQMConfig_cfi.py#L54
Not ur…