Hi everyone!
i tried to compile my flutter app with CodeMagic ( because i don't have a Mac ) but it keeps giving me this error
i tried everything found on the net but it still does not work.
my Cod…
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possibly using Code Magic as it compiles for iOS too
Setup CI/CD integrated publishing of Release and signed builds of the app for Beta to Test Flight and Apple App Store.
I don't understand what this meant
> ⚠️ Important! You should add key hashes for every build variants. E.g. if you have CI/CD which build APK for testing with it's own cerificate (it may be auto gene…
## Steps to Reproduce
When I run `flutter build apk --debug` on my local machine, it works fine. However, when I run it on a fresh CI machine, I get the following error:
> Task :app:che…
When Building for IOs builder shows me this logs:
In module 'Foundation' imported from /Users/vagrant/git/ios/Pods/FMDB/src/fmdb/FMDatabaseQueue.h:9:
In module 'CoreFoundation' imported fro…
CodeMagic should be used for CI/CD Pipelines
ممنون بابت مطلبی که گذاشتین من طبق آموزش خواستم خروجی بگیرم ولی بنظر میرسه اعتبار اکانت تموم شده.
میخواستم خواهش کنم در صورت امکان بروزرسانیشون بکنید.
خیلی ممنون
**Describe the solution you'd like**
Be able to build on AppCenter for iOS and Android, via Flutter
**Describe alternatives you've considered**
CodeMagic. CircleCI. Github Actions.