With an apt source configured according to [the instructions on vscodium.com](https://vscodium.com/#install-on-debian-ubuntu-deb-package), `apt update` produces the following error:
> Warning: Fail…
Rasp Pi 4 latest Bookworm 64 bit w/GUI. Satdump 1.2.1 installed from website link, [64-Bit ARM (like Raspberry Pi OS; deb)].
Satdump UI opens. Selected Generic rtl-sdr (using either rtl-sdr v4 or n…
hi all,
is possible compile ffmpeg and create all deb package to update the original package?
Thanks, best regards
Using the deb package from the release page (https://github.com/inkstitch/inkstitch/releases/tag/v3.1.0) the inkstitch extension shows up in the extension menu, however few of the options show a popup…
to cover wider linux distros. Is it possible to get this app on deb/snap/appimage?
$ cat /etc/issue
Ubuntu 24.04 LTS \n \l
$ sudo apt-get install duplicati_2.0.7.1-1_all.deb
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
Note, …
# apt install ./darling_0.1.20230310.jammy_amd64.deb
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
Note that "darling" is selected instead o…
#### Description
Hi, I'm trying to build sonic-broadcom.bin via make all command. But I get below error on building docker-gbsyncd-broncos:
Step 22/32 : COPY ["files/dsserve", "/usr/bin/"]
> **_TL;DR_**
> **_If you encounter this issue, make sure `Probe content of files with no recognized file name extension` setting is `enabled` and `Guess m…