I took the latest source of this posting and created a debian package that runs perfectly with 14.04 Trusty Tahr on my MBA 5,2 (2013).
From https://github.com/awesomeWM/awesome/issues/1048#issuecomment-241235219 it looks like it might be missing / not installing the default config.
We must use this instead of launchpad, and with circleci we can easily create a deb, rpm package and push it !
This way we will have an up to date packages
### Package information | 软件包信息
包名 | 版本
-- | --
dtk6core | [6.0.23](https://github.com/linuxdeepin/dtk6core/commit/9cc6eea1bbcaddd67c52afa998971416d43c8d8d)
dtk6gui | [6.0.23](https://github.com/lin…
### Package information | 软件包信息
包名 | 版本
-- | --
liblog-log4perl-perl | [1.57-1](https://github.com/deepin-community/liblog-log4perl-perl/commit/df1a8db8a0080e0e480edc80536af9255fdef160)
Hi there and thanks for this wonderful software!
There seems to be an issue with uploading custom tracks using the deb package (I'm on kubuntu 22.04.3). Side note: I actually tried to use the flatp…
The .deb package installs modules (lipsum) for Python 2.6, but Ubuntu 11.04
ships with the default Python 2.7.1.
Original issue reported on code.google.com by `st.loeffler` on 21 May 2011 at…
## User story
As the w3af project leader I want Kali users to receive the latest features, almost without human intervention.
## Conditions of satisfaction
- [ ] When a successful `w3af` build is ach…