According to the [API docs](https://developer.github.com/v3/orgs/#get-an-organization):
> Note: To receive values for private_gists, disk_usage, collaborators, and billing_email in the Organization r…
JIRA issue created by: rcook
Originally opened: 2011-07-25 05:35 PM
Issue body:
The disk usage beacon is working on a Windows minion (no errors and events are fired) but doesn't seem to be working on a Debian minion (I've not tested any other platforms). To re-create the problem:…
The scan binary on the internal storage can not be executed on my device because the execute permission is missing. Every time I start the app, the permission is removed. If I start the app and then c…
I'm rebuilding ffi and ref on Windows using nw-gyp, and those seem to be building correctly, however when I require 'diskusage' I get the following error message.
"Error: The specified module could n…
Good afternoon. Tell us more about how to use your script, please.
I do the following:
1. ffmpeg installed on this statement:
## Bug report
### System info:
Telegraf 0.13.1
Relevant Config:
Perhaps I'm reading the documentation incorrectly but the documentation found [here](http://xrootd.org/doc/dev42/pss_config.pdf) says the following:
> diskusage fracLow fracHigh
> specified the low a…
bash build.sh does not work for me.
I searched for some time, but i don't know what the problem is yet. Postgresql has not been installed.
I will post the last 50ish lines before the error.
After upgrading to 2015.8.3 I get the following error spamming journald; My beacons are configured in pillar and worker in previous versions.
[CRITICAL] The beacon errored:
Traceback (most r…