Hi, I'm working on building this app for F-Droid repository
(http://f-droid.org). We can build Busybox with the NDK for at least ARM , but
there is no source code for reboot.png, ls.png and tool…
mal eine laienhafte Frage: Wäre es technisch möglich, nach Eingabe des Flattr-Accounts beim Erstellen eines Contributors im Backend automatisch alle seine dort mit Flattr verknüpften (Social-)A…
* Go to "new articles" and read first item
* Go to second item (swipe or volume keys)
* Try to get back to the first item
=> Does not work because first item is already read and not lis…
hello this is my own work on the Flattr VBA-M icon; is based on the Gameboy micro and I have tried to make the colours fit with the VBA-M's icons colours
The design is flat and have many details, for…
Two propose, but I can change the colours. **it's just an idea, nothing more**.
I like more the green/orange one, but other one uses the 2 different kind of blues that uses AndStatus actual logo.
The repo currently include two dependencies libGoogleAnalytics.jar and
GoogleAdMobAdsSdk.*.jar . Would it be possible to offer a build that would
disable any code based on those librarie…
I'm trying to build 3.15 for F-Droid. The testnet version builds fine (from
bitcoinj-0.10), but the mainnet version (bitcoinj-0.10-prodnet) doesn't. This
is from release-0.10 branch of B…
Hello @UriHerrera can you make a Xnoise panel symbolic icon?
Hi, I'm working on building this app for F-Droid repository
(http://f-droid.org). We can build Busybox with the NDK for at least ARM , but
there is no source code for reboot.png, ls.png and tool…
As explained in [this post](https://wrinklyninja.github.io/site/update/donations/loot/2014/09/12/improving-donation-visibility/), I'm going to be adding personal donation links to LOOT. I haven't deci…