The use of POI (Excel), Jasper (PDF) or other java tools using fonts does not work.
It seems that no font is installed on the system. Adding the `ttf-dejavu` package in Alpine should fix the proble…
ghost updated
5 years ago
In this project, I saw many CopyOnWriteArrayLists, which I think are used due to concurrent exceptions. But these can get slow, and so I would rather use `Collections.getSynchronizedList(new ArrayList…
sanj0 updated
5 years ago
Let's define in this ticket what are the main features used in Serenity library that we want to gradually implement and replace.
After definition, we can create a new ticket for each new feature.
currently we use /tools/lib/iText-2.1.7.jar which cannot create pdf-A3.
The newer itext-5 or itext-7 can create it. The intent is to create invoices in ZugFerd-Format, see my question on [gitter](htt…
It would be greatly appreciated if you could add a section to the README that details the differences between openhtmltopdf and flyingsaucer in terms of features (apart from using libraries with bette…
Hi. A suggestion for the vorkath plugin is to show where the acid pools are gonna land before they hit the ground so that you can dodge them easier. And also. The timer(s) or numbers abow vorkath make…
Processing 3.1.1
Linux kernel 4.5.7-202.fc23.x86_64 (Fedora 23)
Java 1.8.0 update 92 (openJDK)
The first time that PGraphics.text() is called, it takes ~20s to execute. All subsequent calls execute i…
In our Serenity Java project I've been running api tests successfully using serenity rest via maven from our Jenkins test box, so I wanted to try adding a web tests using Serenity PageObject pages. In…
like this .
**[Taras Tielkes](https://jira.spring.io/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=plethora)** opened **[SPR-2258](https://jira.spring.io/browse/SPR-2258?redirect=false)** and commented
[Quoting part of a reply t…