mappend mempty x = x
mappend x mempty = x
mappend x (mappend y z) = mappend (mappend x y) z
mconcat = foldr mappend mempty
sorry if this is the wrong spot, but on hackage you can only see the type signature but not the actual argument names. at least for internal documentation in application code, being able to see them i…
The Hackage documentation says the following:
"FormInput is a class which is parameterized over the input type used to represent form data in different web frameworks. There should be one instance fo…
i needed to replicate curl's option for a soap request:
--data-binary HTTP POST binary data
the server won't accept multipart as with `CurlHttpPost`. the docs for `CurlPostFields` (…
By @kostmo in `src/Swarm/Language/LSP.hs`:
From https://github.com/aboutcode-org/dejacode/issues/94#issuecomment-2298445423 by @tdruez
> Could you tell me the PURL types from the list that are not supported (no data available) b…
cf. https://www.haskell.org/hoogle/?hoogle=%28%26%29
does not give:
I'm not sure whether it's a version issue …
We've upgrade HUnit to the lastest version in NixOS. Unfortunately, this broke the build of this package. Would it be possible to get an update on Hackage that remedies this situation?