e.g. https://build.galaxyproject.eu/job/usegalaxy-eu/job/website/ takes 13 minutes which is quite a long time, it could be moved to GitHub actions (closer to the data) + use gem/bundler instead of con…
### Describe your use-case which is not covered by existing documentation.
We want to create docker builds from inside the jenkins/agent to push them to an artifactory. Does anyone have a clue how …
### Jenkins and plugins versions report
Jenkins: 2.452.2
OS: Linux - 5.15.0-113-generic
The Jenkins jobs running [over here](https://ci.inria.fr/sos/) test the latest snapshot of Spoon on a variety of projects, in a variety of ways. There are two general kinds of jobs:
* For projects …
ARCHITECTURE: el8_amd64_gcc12
### Your checklist for this issue
🚨 Please review the [guidelines for contributing](../blob/master/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md) to this repository.
- [x] Jenkins version
2.60.1, 2.164.1,2.165
### Jenkins and plugins versions report
stack trace
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No jenkins.security.QueueItemAuthenticator implementation found for global
at io.jenki…
As title, update pull requeset can't trigger jenkins job automatically, could someone help to investgate this issue, thanks a lot.
attache the jenkins job configuration.
At the beginning of `disrupt_truncate` nemesis the test ks/table are prepared with the c-s command:
< t:2024-09-14 12:46:50,787 f:stress_thread.py l:325 c:sdcm.stress_thread p:INFO > cassand…
October 2024: JDK11 is end of life and JDK17 will be the minimum requirement for Jenkins weekly in late June 2024.
The Jenkins infra want to stay on top and support the Jenkins community contributi…