My non-Create robot worries a lot about his battery voltage and charging state both on and off his ancient iRobot dock.
The Create3 sim /battery_state topic is reporting 0v, 0 current, and 0 capaci…
Hi, I am using SALSA pipeline to assembly a plant genome. The pipeline finished successfully, but I encountered a problem while running the extra step which converts SALSA results to .hic files: this …
Ao adicionar uma nova base de dados em que não haja cabeçalho para as colunas, por default o Juicer interpreta as colunas na forma 'col_{x}' em que {x} é um índice que incia com 0.
O Citrus está i…
I ran `3d-dna` for my assembly with the `merged_nodups.txt` file generated by `juicer`. The output looks complete and fine but I also noticed a lot of warning messages as the following:
There's no button to save or publish. After spending hours to create a story, my work just vanished because it won't save or publish.
> “[Unix 哲学](http://www.faqs.org/docs/artu/ch01s06.html)”的根本原则:“简单原则”——尽量用简单的方法解决问题。
阿里系的 [KISSY](http://docs.kissyui.com/) 框架的取名就源自 Unix 哲学中的这一条,Keep it Simple & Stupid。这也是我们在 PC 和无线时代不断提炼前端开发框架、研发模…
jayli updated
2 years ago
Fluxo (1108) executou corretamente estando com a operação de "Salvar modelo" desativada. Com ela ativada, deu erro mesmo tentando outro nome para o modelo.
Log do erro:
Traceback (most recent ca…
**Describe the bug**
Annotations from .assembly file only display in the "scaffold_1" view, and not in the "all" view or the views for the individual scaffolds they belong to. This prevents any of th…
Hi, I created a .hic file from HiC-Pro output by hicpro2juice.sh, but when I loaded it to juicebox, it errors:
`error loading .hic file`
Line 453 of the juicer.sh script (version 1.6 in CPU directory) results in the following error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Unknown command: LibraryComplexity
at jui…