### Is the bug applicable and reproducable to the latest version of the package and hasn't it been reported before?
- [X] Yes, it's still reproducable
### What version of Laravel Excel are you using…
- Laravel Version: 8.7.1
- Nova Version: 3.10.0
- PHP Version: 7.4.11
### Description:
After uploading a file and storing the original name of the file, Nova displays the stored name of the fi…
Nova version: v1.0.5
I have declared the following field inside a resource called CampaignCode
The campaign_codes table has the following mig…
I've got this error :
Class ChrisWare\NovaBreadcrumbs\NovaBreadcrumbs contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (Laravel\Nova\Tool::menu)
When using Digital Ocean Spaces (which uses the S3 driver) I can upload an initial file or folder, but after that if I try to add another I get an error saying that the selected path already exists. I…
- Laravel Version: 9.19.00
- Nova Version: 4.13.0
- PHP Version: 8.0.21
### Description:
i want to customize url and label of main dashboard. For this, I followed the documentation at this url: …
- Laravel Version: 9.30
- Nova Version: 4.14.3
- PHP Version: 8.1.9
- Database Driver & Version:
- Operating System and Version: #.#
- Browser type and version: #.#
- Reproduction Repository: ht…
- Laravel Version: 9.19.0
- Nova Version: 4.12.14
- PHP Version: 8.1.0
- Database Driver & Version:
- Operating System and Version: Mac OS 11.5.2
- Browser type and version: Chrome 104.0.51
- Re…
- Laravel Version: 8.44
- PHP Version: 8.1
- Database Driver & Version: Mysql 8
### Description:
using new relic I'm seeing that `Illuminate/Support/Collection::Map` take most of the request tim…
I get this 500 when I drag\drop an image to upload into the editor
"message": "Target class [] does not exist.",
"exception": "Illuminate\\Contracts\\Container\\BindingResolutionException"…