Der Eingabe-Dialog von Mängeln hat bei mir falsche Farben bei den Mängel-Kategorien.
Auch der App-Hintergrund ist plötzlich farbig.
Ich hatte schon die Farb-Paletteneinstellung in den Entwickler…
* https://developer.android.com/jetpack/compose/designsystems/material2-material3
* https://material.io/blog/migrating-material-3
**Describe the bug**
Background color cannot be set explicitly, but relies on Material2 defaults.
We are currently using Material3 and a replacement Color provider as described here:
**The text sizes look normal if I don't select a specific style for the components**
Material You is available on Android 12: https://developer.android.com/about/versions/12
More info: https://material.i…
Material 3 Badge widget loads find in Android but in iOS it does not show in full by default. We need to adjust the largeSize to make it fully visable
class CartBadgeWidget extends ConsumerWidge…
As I understand, the app relies on a number of proprietary libraries for search providers. Would it be possible to remove them during the build, or the app would require extensive rewrite rather than …
If I add `compose.material3` to my project and use any of its classes in my code, it works fine on Android, but on iOS it fails with the following error message:
e: java.lang.RuntimeException:…