Typo: build-in/built-in
I didn't see a section on primitive types here. Specifically, I was looking for clarification of what a 'char' is and how it behaves under comparisons. In C, chars can be signed or unsigned. I also ha…
or-pattern was first used/explained in Variables and Functions:Recursive functions.
I am pretty sure it is not the first time an or-pattern is encountered
enum A{ a;b;c;}
switch() {
case a,b,c:
implies a messsage "The default pattern is unused..", which might be ambiguated to 'you are not doing anything in the default case bloc and compi…
Typo: "how you could build function like these yourself" -> "how you could build function like this yourself"
they will work -> it will work
adept updated
11 years ago
first operator -> first operand
adept updated
11 years ago
a squared-bracket-and-semicolon notation
Throughout this chapter to style of the code extracts is inconsistent:
some begin with #, others don't,
some end in ;; others don't
some have toplevel output, others don't