threw 33 million 1k docs at a fairly simple ingest and the threads for our steps don't seem to be doing much
I just finished assembling and setting up a Boardsource-provided Corne LP kit using Blox microcontrollers. The setup went fine for the most part (I do have a few more issue to open on GitHub…
https://github.com/kmuto/review/issues/459#issuecomment-156809916 で報告の現象。
//footnote[url][TechBoosterのWebサイト @{http://techbooster.org/}]
\footnote{TechBoosterのWebサイト @\t…
I attempted to replace tabs with spaces in a ~6000-line tab-indented file. Code's UI locked up pretty much immediately, and a single CPU core was pegged for a couple of minutes. After a few minutes, C…
I mentioned in #129 that it would be useful to add a Composer dependency for the wxPHP code completion file. I expect it'd use the dev-only approach, so that it is not added to live envs. It should pr…
We should show the swap fees in ETH and underlying asset. For example this example works because TUSD is pegged to USD.
Ongoing work to improve simulation in the Southern Ocean.
- Southern Ocean WG
- Submit paper on Southern Ocean biases and PEG work. DS
- Work on new bathymetries (see #1 ). DS
- Investigate deep …
The current syntax highlighting solution uses a simple lexer to generate a stream of tokens. Adding new languages means adding a new implementation of the lexer to add behaviour for that specific lang…
ETGMod Installer v17.10.19
Entering the Modgeon
Removing: Assembly-CSharp.Base.mm.dll
Removing: UnityEngine.Base.mm.dll
No previous mod installation found.
Still reverting to unmodded backup...
gpere updated
1 month ago
A request to change the design of the pins.
## Why?
The current pin design is just a simple cylinder with a lip. This makes it very hard to impossible to have the right tolerances on the 3d print…